Three of Diamonds by
W. Ferraro
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
The following review may contain spoilers - read at your own risk.
We were introduced to Wes in the first two books of this series as Wes is best friends with both Seth (Book 1) and Dylan (Book 2). I don't know why, but I believed that Wes was just some stiff suit shirt and I was so far from the truth. Ladies, this man is just HAWT! To say he's an "Adonis" is putting it mildly. His Alpha male tendencies sometimes take a backseat to the soft touches of a gentle man with how he deals with Lola and her brother, Boyd.
I love this book for everything that Lola and Wes are both apart and together and seeing how family is such a big part of this series, to see how Wes becomes such a big part of a brother figure and authorative figure to Boyd just melted my heart even more.
Lola is another spitfire of a woman that despite the trials she's gone through has come through it on the better side without a man to show her the way. She's raised her brother and volunteers for a place that is a place for children with special needs.
Their first encounter, they both felt the electricity. Their second encounter, was masked... but then Lola figures out who he is and how she knows him when he comes into the bar she just started working in.
He is intrigued by her and wants to get to know her better but can't understand why she is so frosty to him. When he figures it out, it's a big elephant in the room.
Whenever they are together, there are questions that need answers and secrets that they keep to themselves and that he's kept from his friends.
Enter Mae and Natalie as well as their men to lovingly interfere a little and show family unity and love.
This series not only is about the love of a man and a woman but about family and I love to see how that is interwoven.
Off to read Breaking Spades and root for CeCe and Jarod.
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