My rating: 3 of 5 stars
From dust to dolled up in three days.
***I was given an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.***
My main reason for only giving this three stars is because it is the first of five parts. To me, a good portion is fluff... from the skanky roommate to the security guards at her new job to the vice-president. I found myself asking just how important is the skanky roommate to the story?
This story opens with Jess on her second day in Los Angeles. Why is she out there? To start an internship at a Music company that stars with an M. She finds a street performer that she is attracted to immediately. She gets mugged at the end of his performance, he chases after the guy while she broods about and wonders if he gets hurt.
She starts in the archives of her new job the next morning and gets send up to see the vice-president, gets questioned about the guy in the video that is going viral and gets sent right back down to archives to finish out the day.
Day two - as soon as she gets into the office, she's sent up to see her new supervisor and becomes Eye Candy - aka Talent Coordinator... her mission - bag Brandon. Who's Brandon she wonders. She'll find out on day three AFTER she goes shopping on the company's dime to doll up.
Day three - she's late to a 9am meeting at which Brandon is the video guy - aka Dylan. After he storms out of the meeting, she's sent after him to find out where he's "stashed" Susan.
She and Dylan talk outside of the office as he goes to his car. He gives her an ultimatum and then this book ends. You may call it a cliffhanger... I call it bs. I'm not sure if I want to read the rest of the story... this first one did nothing for me.
But because I thought that it built her up pretty well and the attraction she had for Dylan and all his sexiness, I refuse to give this one or two stars.
I think I'll wait until the other four are out to read the rest of the series at once.
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