My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This is the first in what appears to be a trilogy. While that doesn't bother me, what bothers me is the way this book ended... there's no major cliffhanger that made me pine for the second book.
This first book is about a 25 year old woman who who is a researcher in a company in San Francisco. We learn she's got a gay bestie - Ben - who's an art genius (according to her), she loves to crunch numbers and do research, and she has an ex who nearly beat her to death that is the cause of why she doesn't trust men.
Enter Sean, the Company's number one salesman and player. Krista, though she thinks he's hot, knows to keep him at bay and does her bet to do so. They end up working on a minor project together in which her detailed, hard work earns his respect so much that even though at first he wants to bed her, he puts that aside to have her put on his team to woo and win a new project.
Krista is honest with people and that, along with her innocence in some things, gets through to others and tugs at Sean's heart and soul.
So they sleep together - no. But the sexual energy is there. There are some humorous moments and some honest real moments that balance each other out.
Would I recommend this book to others? Um, not right away. Not until I've read the rest of the series to see how they blend together. If you're looking for a book to pass the time in the doctor's office though, or on the bus/train... try it. It won't leave you hot and bothered and there aren't any sexy scenes that little or wandering eyes may see.
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