Sunday, October 13, 2024

REVIEW: Closer Than You Think by Taura King

Closer Than You Think: A dark, stalker romance (Alcott City Book 1)Closer Than You Think: A dark, stalker romance by Taura King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If you have SA trigger, don't read.

I went into this blind. Just new it as a Dark Romance. Didn't think I had triggers. Learned i did not history story is an inst a lust/love for him and she isn't far behind. She is in his orbit because of the business he is in and what he was hired to do.

While I have issues with this book (she forgave hom far too easily and quickly) i liked how protective he was of her and I enjoyed how woven and co.plex the story became once it came to it's climax (pun not intended).

Side Note: I try to never rate a book three stars are less. The plot intrigued me. Hence four stars.

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Monday, September 24, 2018

REVIEW: Gabe - Alvarez Security Agency (#1) by Maryann Jordan

Gabe (Alvarez Security #1)Gabe by Maryann Jordan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I wanted to binge on military or former military men and women and that is what I've been doing for the past month.

A book friend introduced me to this book and said I would love Gabe. What she didn't tell me was I would love his twin bother, their Captain, and the whole cast and crew as swiftly as I found myself doing.

Fair warning, this book is an insta-love book between Gabe and Jennifer. The beginning was a little shaky for me, but only because I had no inkling of how it would play into the storyline.

I admit, I'm not normally one to really love insta-love books, but this book kept my interest and had me laughing with the Gabe and Jenny and Jenny's brother Ross as well as getting angry at Jenny, at Gabe, forgiving them both, laughing and crying and then worrying about Jenny and Ross and well, by the end of the book I knew, I would have a book hangover.

Gabe was all alpha from the get go but the soft spots were there, the tenderness and the love. And the comraderie with the guys from his unit that he now works with. Jenny, while showing moments of insecurity about Gabe, showed strength, compassion, love, and hope in all that she was doing for her brother and the elderly.

There's some strong language, sexy times, action concerning bad guys, and it all rounds out Gabe and Jenny's story. I loved the book. LOVED IT.

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Saturday, September 22, 2018

REVIEW: Resolutions by Teri Riggs

Resolutions (Honor Guard Series)Resolutions by Teri Riggs
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I always love discovering new-to-me authors and Teri Riggs is no exception. What drew me to this book was the Female Lead. She's a strong agent who is loyal and full of spirit.

The male lead, her ex, is just as strong willed as she is, also very loyal.

I think this is the first book I've read with such a strong female lead who worked for a government agency and I want to read more kickin' butt type women like her.

Yes, it's also sexy in parts but that does not take away from the story, the intrigue or the action. It adds a little to the entire storyline.

I was entertained thoroughly by the book and hope if the characters talk to the Author that there are many more adventures for the Resolutions squad.

Thank you to the author. More than she will ever know.

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Sunday, September 2, 2018

REVIEW: Seal's Lost Dream (Lost and Found, 2.5) by J.M. Madden

SEAL's Lost Dream (Lost and Found, #2.5)SEAL's Lost Dream by J.M. Madden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

NOTE: You can read this novella as part of J.M. Madden's The Lost and Found Trio as currently, it's not available for purchase by itself. I purchased that for my kindle, read it and am reviewing all three novellas separately and then will do a big synopsis for the Trio kindle version as well.

REVIEW: This novella gives us the story of a Navy Seal and his best friend and the aftermath of what war did to their relationship.


Flynn is a former Navy Seal who was a K9 handler. Already, my heart was more than gone for this man. After being out of the military for a few years he finds his way to LnF and as he's battling his demons, he begins showing up at the Veterinarian's with injured dogs that find him.

Strong-willed veterinarian does all she can to save the dogs that Flynn brings to her. They bond over one dog that takes a very stubborn shine to Flynn.

This novella for me, read like a novel. It was jam packed and when push came to shove, Flynn came out of the darkness thanks to the love of a good woman and a stubborn dog.

Honestly, I think this is my favorite of the whole LnF series even if it is a novella.

The Lost and Found Trio by J.M. Madden -- Kindle Link

Sunday, August 26, 2018

REVIEW: Embattled Seal by J.M. Madden

Embattled SEAL (Lost and Found #4)Embattled SEAL by J.M. Madden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you haven't read the 3rd book - Embattled Home - this review may contain SPOILERS for you so - SPOILER ALERT for EMBATTLED HOME (Lost and Found #3).

We meet Harper in book 3 of the Lost and Found series - Embattled Home - as he helps to protect a mother and daughter from harm. Harper gets injured and as his co-workers fret about him in the hospital, someone totally never known about shows up, shocking the co-workers.

Okay, onto my review for Embattled Seal. And I'll also give a spoiler warning just in case, but honestly, I think I have to, just a little this time.

We find out that Harper's demons and fear that he'd harm his loved ones kept him away from them for a long time. That world he left behind comes to the forefront when he's injured and the wife his current world didn't know he had, shows up to support him and find out where their family stands.

She helps him deal with the hospital staff and then because of his injuries, rents a house for two weeks so he can heal and they can discuss where to go from here.

This story shows just how much both Harper and Cat struggle with their own insecurities but how they both fight to overcome them, together. It shows how much finding LNF was a godsend for Harper and it shows how it's not just his wife that Harper has to make amends to.

Okay, that's my review.

Let me tell you now that I don't want this LNF world to ever end. I find myself getting so emotionally involved in each story and rooting for both the guy and the girl of each story. Luckily, there is still Duncan's story and then some novellas and spin off series' so I'm good for a bit.

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Friday, August 24, 2018

REVIEW: Embattled Home by J.M. Madden

Embattled Home (Lost and Found, #3)Embattled Home by J.M. Madden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The way the book started out, I wasn't sure I was going to continue because I thought I was missing a few pages or chapters. But as I kept reading, I realized that there is a method to the way these stories are intertwining and to just sit back, relax, and enjoy the story.

So I did.

I enjoyed seeing how strong Lora truly is beneath everything that happened to her and how her little girl was such a strong spirit behind her momma.

I loved how LNF righted the wrong the client had manipulated them into.

I loved Chad's family, but hated that floozy until the end of the book.

I loved how we saw the push and pull between Chad and his brother; the love and support his sister gave Lora and how his momma treated Lora and her daughter like family from the get go.

I love how a child can make a grown man melt at just a look, or a hug.

I love the brotherhood that is shown throughout these books.

I love, I love, I love.

I love that the book is light on the sex, but heavy on building the relationship, even if the love is nearly instant.

I hurt for Duncan trying to help a fellow veteran out while also denying himself some happiness.

I was SHOCKED at the end when (I'M NOT GOING TO SPOIL IT FOR Y'ALL, GEEZ... go get the book and READ it PLEASE!).

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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

REVIEW: Embattled Minds by J.M. Madden

Embattled Minds (Lost and Found, #2)Embattled Minds by J.M. Madden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Book two in the Lost and Found series, while I had hoped for Duncan or Chad, J.M. Madden gives us Zeke and Ember. We meet them both in Embattled Hearts.

What is this series about? This series is about those that served in the military and may have come back with scars. Whether the scars can be seen or not seen, they are there and these veterans are learning to live with them and learning their way in the civilian world now that they're discharged/retired from the service.

Back to Zeke and Ember.

Zeke and a few of the guys from LNF started going to the bar once a week to acclimate to being around people and out in public as well as face their own obstacles. Zeke and Ember dance around their attraction to each other while facing their own obstacles.

The way that Zeke and Ember are brought together tugged more, but how Zeke handles Ember's Dad the first time they meet, I'm sold on these two.

This story was subtle and while not as suspenseful as Embattled Hearts (John and Shannon's story), it had me not wanting it to end.

I love the dynamics of the characters in the LNF series so far and cannot wait to start the next in the series (I love binge reading).

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