My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Body image issues. I have them, you have them, I'm pretty sure every woman I know has them. Doesn't matter your size, it's like it's embedded in your DNA only you don't think anyone else suffers from the same type of issues about their own body.
So when one of my favorite authors introduces me to a new story that demanded she write it because it hit so close to home for her personally, I didn't think, I just pre-ordered that puppy and said to myself "You WILL read this."
From the first page, I couldn't put this book down. The hashtag #IAmWillow was evident from the first page. Willow was beaten down for so long that it was only a matter of time for her to snap. Kane's there to see it and doesn't get it. He sees the beauty that she is and is on a mission to get her to see that and claim her for himself.
This was a beautiful story which includes some Kane drama too that Willow handles beautifully.
But beneath it all, the strength and the beauty Willow finds in herself brings out the beauty that every single one of us women have.
This is a story that was very powerful for me and will be re-read many, many times. I encourage everyone I know to read this story and tell me you don't see a little of Willow in you.
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